宋 益

发布人:陈永佳 发布时间:2021-01-22 点击次数:


SongYi, Ph. D.


宋益,新葡萄8883官网amg(武汉)特任副教授,“地大学者”青年优秀人才,南丹麦大学访问学者,中国自然资源学会矿产资源专业委员会副秘书长,《资源与产业》青年编委;主要研究方向为资源与环境经济、产业经济、数字经济与高质量发展、技术创新与关键矿产供需、绿色金融等;在Technological Forecasting and Social Change、Journal of Environmental Management、Resources Policy、Structural Change and Economic Dynamics、Journal of Cleaner Production、资源科学等期刊发表论文20余篇,其中ESI高被引论文3篇;主持了国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、教育部人文社科青年项目1项、第71批博士后面上项目1项、中国科协2022年度“科技智库青年人才计划”、2022年国家留学基金委的国家公派留学项目。


[1]SongYi., RuanShengzhe., Cheng Jinhua., ZhangYijun. (2023). Technological change in critical metallic mineral sub-sectors and its impacts on mineral supply: Evidence from China.Resources Policy,85, 103850.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[2]ZhangZhouyi.,SongYi*., ChengJinhua., ZhangYijun. (2023). Effects of heterogeneous ICT on critical metal supply: A differentiated perspective on primary and secondary supply.Resources Policy,83, 103690.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[3]ZhangYijun., Mengzhengzheng.,Song Yi*.(2023).Digital transformation and metal enterprise value: Evidence from China.Resources Policy, 87, 104326.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[4] ZhangYijun.,Song Yi*.(2022).Tax rebates, technological innovation and sustainable development: Evidence from Chinese micro-level data.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,176, 121481.(SSCI一区,地大T1,ESI高被引论文)

[5]Song Yi., Zhang Zhouyi, Zhang Yijun., Cheng Jinhua. (2022). Technological innovation and supply of critical metals: A perspective of industrial chains. Resources Policy, 79, 103144.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[6]Song, Yi., Zhang, Yangxueying., Zhang, Yijun. (2022). Economic and environmental influences of resource tax: Firm-level evidence from China.Resources Policy,77, 102751.(SSCI一区,地大T1,ESI高被引论文)

[7]Song Yi., Cheng Jinhua., Zhang Yijun., Dai Tao., Huang Jianbai. (2021). Direct and indirect effects of heterogeneous technical change on metal consumption intensity: Evidence from G7 and BRICS countries.Resources Policy, 71, 101995.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[8]Zhong Meirui., Xiao Shunli., Zou Han., Zhang Yijun.,Song Yi*. (2021). The effects of technical change on carbon intensity in China’s non-ferrous metal industry.Resources Policy, 73, 102226.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[9]Song Yi., Huang Jianbai., Zhang Yijun., Wang Zhiping. (2019). Drivers of metal consumption in China: An input-output structural decomposition analysis.Resources Policy, 63, 101421.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[10]Song Yi., Huang Jianbai., Feng Chao. (2018). Decomposition of energy-related CO2 emissions in China's iron and steel industry: A comprehensive decomposition framework.Resources Policy, 59, 103-116.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[11]Zhang Yijun.,Song Yi*. (2020). Unified efficiency of coal mining enterprises in China: An analysis based on meta-frontier non-radial directional distance functions.Resources Policy, 65, 101581.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[12]Huang Jianbai., Zou Han.,Song Yi*. (2020). Biased technical change and its influencing factors of iron and steel industry: Evidence from provincial panel data in China.Journal of Cleaner Production, 124558.(SCI一区,地大T2)

[13]Huang jianbai., Chen Xi.,Song Yi*. (2020). What drives embodied metal consumption in China's imports and exports.Resources Policy, 69, 101862.(SSCI一区,地大T1)

[14]Zhang Yijun.,Song Yi*., Han Zou. (2020). Transformation of pollution control and green development: Evidence from China's chemical industry.Journal of Environmental Management, 275: 111246.(SCI一区,地大T2, ABS三星)

[15]宋益,白文博,成金华,等.技术创新对清洁能源金属可持续供应影响的研究综述与展望[J].中南大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 30 (01): 112-125.



[18]Zhang, Yijun., Song, Yi., & Zou, Han. (2022). Non-linear effects of heterogeneous environmental regulations on industrial relocation: Do compliance costs work?.Journal of Environmental Management, 323, 116188.(SCI一区,地大T2, ABS三星)

[19] Zhang Yijun.,Li Xiaoping.,Song Yi., Jiang Feitao. (2021).Can green industrial policy improve total factor productivity? Firm-level evidence from China.Structural Change and Economic Dynamics,59, 51-62.(SSCI一区,地大T2)

[20]Zhang Yijun., Li Xiaoping., Jiang Feitao., Song Yi., Xu Ming. (2020). Industrial policy, energy and environment efficiency: Evidence from Chinese firm-level data.Journal of Environmental Management, 260, 110123.(SCI一区,地大T2, ABS三星)



[2] 2021年教育部人文社科青年项目《清洁能源技术关键金属供需格局演变与我国的对策研究》,批准号:21YJC790099,2022.01-2024.12,在研,主持


[4]中国科协2022年度 “科技智库青年人才计划”,批准号:20220615ZZ07110347,结题,主持



[1] 21级资产评估专业硕士研究生张杨雪莹,发表T1论文一篇,获得2022年硕士研究生国家奖学金。

[2] 21级资产评估专业硕士研究生张周益,发表T1论文2篇,获得2023年硕士研究生国家奖学金,并继续攻读博士学位。

[3] 21级应用经济学硕士研究生阮晟哲,发表T1论文和T3论文各一篇,获得2023年硕士研究生国家奖学金,并继续攻读博士学位。

[4] 22级资产评估专业硕士研究生孟真真,发表一篇T1论文。

[5] 23级应用经济学硕士研究生白文博,发表T1论文和C刊论文各一篇。



