卢 辉

发布人:陈永佳 发布时间:2019-07-22 点击次数:


HuiLu, Ph. D.










[1] 国家自然科学基金, 青年科学基金项目, 72001195, 重大工程工厂化建造的协同计划及其扰动应对研究, 2021.1 至 2023.12, 主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金, 面上项目, 72074198, 大数据驱动下自然资源生态安全预测预警预案研究, 2021.1 至 2024.12, 参与

[3] 国家自然科学基金, 面上项目, 71871100, 重大工程供应商培育契约与激励机制研究, 2019.1 至 2022.12, 参与

[4] 国家自然科学基金, 面上项目, 71771096, 物联网环境下基于提前期压缩的工程供应链协调与优化, 2018.1 至 2021.12,参与

[5] 国家自然科学基金,重大项目, 71390524,重大基础设施工程现场综合协调与控制研究, 2014.1 至 2018.12,参与


[1] Lu, Hui; Wang, Hongwei; Yu, Dihua; Ye, Jian; Sharp schedule compression in urgent emergency construction projects via activity crashing, substitution and overlapping: A case study of Huoshengshan and Leishenshan Hospital projects in Wuhan, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2022. DOI: 10.1108/ECAM-07-2021-0654

[2]祁超, 卢辉, 王红卫, 丁烈云. 应急医院工程快速建造及其对疫情防控的作用——以武汉市抗击新冠疫情为例, 管理世界, 2021, 6: 189-201.

[3] Lu, Hui, Qi, Junxiong, Li, Jue, Xu, Gangyan, Wang, Hongwei. Multi-Agent based Safety Computational Experiment System for Shield Tunneling Projects, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2020, 27(8): 1963-1991.

[4] Lu, Hui, Wang, Hongwei, Qi, Chao, Xie, Yong, & Liu, Dian. Incentive schemes for centralized material planning and allocation with asymmetric information in construction supply chain. IEEE Access. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3009151

[5] 卢辉,王红卫,李锋,刘典. 考虑供应不确定性与需求非平稳性的项目调度与材料供应集成优化. 系统工程理论与实践, 2019, 39(3): 647-658.

[6] 祁超,卢辉,王红卫,谢勇,曾伟,张劲文. 重大工程工厂化建造的管理创新:集成化管理和供应商培育. 管理世界,2019, 4: 39-51.

[7] Hui Lu, Hongwei Wang, Yong Xie and Xiangyu Wang. Study on Construction Material Allocation Policies: A Simulation Optimization Method. Automation in Construction, 2018, 90: 201-212.

[8] Yong Xie, Hongwei Wang and Hui Lu. Coordination of Supply Chains with a Retailer under the Mean-CVaR Criterion. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018, 48(7): 1039 - 1053.

[9] Hui Lu, Hongwei Wang, Yong Xie and Heng Li. Construction Material Safety Stock Determination under Nonstationary Stochastic Demand and Random Supply Yield. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2016, 63(2): 201-212.


