
发布人:陈永佳 发布时间:2023-11-28 点击次数:


Qisheng Jiang,Ph. D.






江奇胜博士近年来主要从事环境治理和能源金融方面的研究。近年来在《Ecological Economics》《Energy Policy》《Resources Policy》《Journal of Environmental Management》《Energy Research & Social Science》等国内外期刊发表论文十余篇。同时担任Environmental and Resource Economics、Energy Economics、Energy Policy等十余个知名国际期刊审稿人。








Tang, P.,Jiang, Q.*, Mi, L. (2021). One-vote veto: The threshold effect of environmental pollution in China's economic promotion tournament.Ecological Economics185, 107069.(一区SCI/SSCI,ABS 3星,通讯作者)

Jiang, Q., Tang, P*. (2023). All roads lead to Rome? Carbon emissions, pollutant emissions and local officials’ political promotion in China.Energy Policy181, 113700.(一区SCI/SSCI,ABS 2星

Jiang, Q., Cheng, S.* (2021).How the fiscal and monetary policy uncertainty of China respond to global oil price volatility: a multi-regime-on-scale approach,Resources Policy72, 102121.(一区SSCI,ABS 2星

程胜,江奇胜,曹妍,李欣然,谢雄标.《经济政策不确定性与典型大宗商品市场的非对称关联》, 2021,新葡萄8883官网amg出版社.

Jiang, Q., Yang, S.*, Tang, P., Bao, L. (2020). Promoting the polluters? The competing objectives of energy efficiency, pollutant emissions, and economic performance in Chinese municipalities.Energy Research & Social Science61, 101365.(一区SSCI)

Jiang, Q., Cheng, S.*, Cao, Y., Wang, Z. (2021).The asymmetric and multi-scale volatility correlation between global oil price and economic policy uncertainty of China,Environmental Science and Pollution Research29, 11255-1126.(一区SCI)

Tang, P.,Wang, C.*,Jiang, Q., Liu, X., Wang, J. (2023). Symbol or substance? Environmental regulations and corporate environmental actions decoupling,Journal of Environmental Management346, 118950(一区SCI,ABS 3星

Cheng, S.*, Han, L., Cao, Y.,Jiang, Q., Liang, R. (2022). Gold-oil dynamic relationship and the asymmetric role of geopolitical risks: Evidence from Bayesian pdBEKK-GARCH with regime switching,Resources Policy78, 102917.(一区SSCI,ABS 2星

Cheng, S.*, Liu, W.,Jiang, Q., Cao, Y. (2023). Multi–Scale risk connectedness between economic policy uncertainty of China and global oil prices in time–frequency domains,Computational Economics61, 1593–1616.(三区SSCI,ABS 1星

Sheraz, M., Xu, D.*, Ullah, A., Ahmed, J.,Jiang, Q., (2022), Nexus between energy consumption, financial market development, and urbanization: evidence from emerging economy,The Singapore Economic Review, 1-20.(三区SSCI)

Jiang, Q., Fu, S.* & Zuo, W. (2019). Religious environment and corporate social responsibility and in China: do law exerts any effect?International Academic Conference on Frontiers in Social Sciences and Management Innovation(IAFSM 2018), 159-164. (CPCI检索会议)

杨树旺,江奇胜*,易扬.湖北省绿色发展与高新技术产业集聚的测度与实证[J].统计与决策, 2018, 34(14), 140-143.(CSSCI,通讯作者)


