
发布人:陈永佳 发布时间:2019-07-24 点击次数:


PengchengTang, Ph. D.






唐鹏程博士长期从事可持续相关研究,研究范围涵盖政府和企业两个层面,尤其是地方政府环境规制、企业社会(环境)责任等问题,并取得了一系列研究成果,包括主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国科协科技智库青年人才计划和湖北省科技创新人才及服务专项软科学研究项目三项,在《中国工业经济》、《管理评论》、《Ecological Economics》、《Energy Policy》等在内的国内外期刊发表论文20余篇,参与出版专著2部。中英文论文引用次数接近500次,1篇论文获第78届美国管理学年会最佳会议论文(Top 10%)1篇。现任美国管理学会、中国自然资源学会、中国管理现代化研究会城市与区域管理专委会和湖北省经济学会会员。《Journal of Business Ethics》、《Ecological Economics》等国际知名期刊审稿人。


(1)杨树旺,杨站君,唐鹏程.生态文明视角下矿业企业社会责任:评价、影响因素及经济后果[M].北京:科学出版社, 2017.

(2)付书科,程亮,唐鹏程.生态脆弱区矿业3ES耦合协同与发展[M].北京:光明日报出版社, 2015.

(3)Tang P#, Xuan L*, Yao H, et al. Moving beyond economic criteria: Exploring the social impact of green innovation from the stakeholder management perspective, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2022, 1– 11.(地大T1, FMS C, Online)

(4)Tang P#, Jiang Q*, Mi L. One-vote veto: The threshold effect of environmental pollution in China's economic promotion tournament[J]. Ecological Economics, 2021, 185: 107069.(地大T1,FMS A,26次)

(5) Shen J#,Tang P*, Zeng H. Does China's carbon emission trading reduce carbon emissions? Evidence from listed firms[J]. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2020,59:120-129.(地大T2,31次)

(6) Peng X#,Tang P*, Yang S, et al. How should mining firms invest in the multidimensions of corporate social responsibility? Evidence from China[J]. Resources Policy, 2020,65:101576.(地大T1,FMS C,12次)

(7) Jiang Q#, Yang S*,Tang P, et al. Promoting the polluters? The Competing objectives of energy efficiency, pollutant emissions, and economic performance in Chinese municipalities[J]. Energy Research & Social Science, 2020,61:101365.(地大T1,24次)

(8)Tang P#*, Yang S, Yang S. How to design corporate governance structures to enhance corporate social responsibility in China's mining state-owned enterprises?[J]. Resources Policy, 2020,66:101619.(地大T1,FMS C,31次)

(9)Tang P#, Fu S*, Yang S. Do peer firms affect corporate social performance?[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019,239:118080.(地大T2,FMS C,29次)

(10)Tang P#*, Zeng H, Fu S. Local government responses to catalyse sustainable development: Learning from low-carbon pilot programme in China[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019,689:1054-1065.(地大T2,18次)

(11)Tang P#, Yang S*, Shen J, et al. Does China's low-carbon pilot programme really take off? Evidence from land transfer of energy-intensive industry[J]. Energy Policy. 2018, 114: 482-491.(地大T1,FMS B,45次)

(12)Tang P#, Yang S*, Fu S. Do political incentive affects China's land transfer in energy-intensive industries?[J]. Energy. 2018, 164: 550-559.(地大T2,23次)

(13)Tang P#, Yang S*, Boehe D. Ownership and corporate social performance in China: Why geographic remoteness matters[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 197: 1284-1295.(地大T2,FMS C,52次)

(14)唐鹏程#,杨树旺*.环境保护与企业发展真的不可兼得吗?[J].管理评论. 2018, 30(8): 225-235.(地大T4,FMS T1,40次)

(15)吴超#,杨树旺*唐鹏程,等.中国重污染行业绿色创新效率提升模式构建[J].中国人口•资源与环境. 2018, 28(5): 40-48.(地大T3,FMS T2,58次)

(16)唐鹏程#,杨树旺*.企业社会责任投资模式研究:基于价值的判断标准[J].中国工业经济. 2016(7): 109-126.(地大T2,FMS T1,137次)

(17)唐鹏程#,杨树旺*.利益相关者满足能缓解中小板上市公司融资约束吗?[J].新葡萄8883官网amg学报:社会科学版. 2015, 15(4): 103-108.(地大T4,13次)

(18)付书科#*,杨树旺,唐鹏程,等.我国有色金属行业社会责任评价-来自上市企业数据[J].宏观经济研究. 2014(4): 18-26.(地大T4,FMS T2,20次)

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