张周益(学);宋益 Effects of heterogeneous ICT on critical metal supply: A differentiated perspective on primary and secondary supply

发布人:陈永佳 发布时间:2023-11-14 点击次数:

我校新葡萄8883官网amg宋益老师在T1级别期刊——《RESOURCES POLICY》上发表题为“Effects of heterogeneous ICT on critical metal supply: A differentiated perspective on primary and secondary supply”。论文作者宋益为新葡萄8883官网amg副教授。

Abstract /摘要

How to ensuresupplysecurityofcriticalmetals isacommon challenge for China and even developed countries. With the rapid developmentofinformation and communication technology (ICT), its impactsonthesupplyofcriticalmetalneed to be discussed. Taking China as an example, this article studies the influencesofhetero-geneousICTonprimaryandsecondarysupplyofcriticalmetals and explores their influencing mechanisms. The results show that: (1) In theprimarysupply,ICThas inverted U-shaped influencesonthe host metals, while the impactsonbyproduct metals antimony and nickel are U-shaped and linear promotion respectively;ICThas linear promotingeffectsonsecondarysupply. (2) Compared with hardware and communication equipment, software products have the most obvious impactonbothprimaryandsecondarysupply. (3) Industrial scaleofmining (SM) and smelting (SS), energy structure (ES) and energy efficiency (EE) can enhance the impactsofICTontheprimarysupply; while only SS enhances the impactsonthesecondarysupply. (4) In theprimarysupplyofhost metals, the improvementofEE and ES will shift the inflection point to the left due to crowding-out effect, while the opposite is true for SM.



Effects of heterogeneous ICT on critical metal supply: A differentiated perspective on primary and secondary supply


Zhang, Zhouyi;Song, Yi;Cheng, Jinhua;Zhang, Yijun

Keywords /关键词

ICTCritical metal supplyInverted U-ShapeHeterogeneity analysisInfluence mechanismInflection point migration

