程欣 The impact of rural land consolidation on household poverty alleviation: The moderating effects of human capital endowment

发布人:胡松琴 发布时间:2022-07-20 点击次数:

程欣 The impact of rural land consolidation on household poverty alleviation: The moderating effects of human capital endowment

我校新葡萄8883官网amg程欣老师在T1级别期刊——《Land Use Policy》上发表题为“The impact of rural land consolidation on household poverty alleviation: The moderating effects of human capital endowment”。论文第一作者程欣为新葡萄8883官网amg副教授。

Abstract /摘要:

MT 消除贫困是追求世界公平、可持续发展的首要目标。农村土地整理( RLC )旨在在促进扶贫的同时实现土地的高效、可持续利用。本研究利用双重差分( DID )方法和贫困户调查数据,实证检验了RLC对多维贫困的影响。此外,还强调了人力资本在调节RLC对扶贫影响中的作用。我们发现( 1 ) RLC对我国贫困家庭生计改善产生了积极而显著的影响。( 2 )人力资本(移徙工人、劳动力和教育)对RLC对扶贫的影响具有正向调节作用,其中教育的调节作用最为明显。我们建议,中国政府不仅要继续加大对RLC的投入,提供支持政策,还要制定有针对性的RLC战略。教育、劳动力能力、可持续减贫、可持续土地利用和可持续农村发展需要持续关注。这也有助于改善有效减贫、农村可持续发展和农村振兴的政策和决策。

原文 Eradicating poverty is the primary goal for pursuing equitable and sustainable development of the world. Rural land consolidation (RLC) aims to achieve efficient and sustainable land use while promoting poverty alleviation. This study empirically examined the impact of RLC on multi-dimensional poverty, using the difference-in-differences (DID) method and survey data from impoverished households. Additionally, the role of human capital in moderating the impact of RLC on poverty alleviation is also emphasised. We found that (1) The RLC has had a positive and significant impact on the improvement of impoverished households’ livelihoods in China. (2) Human capital (migrant worker, labour force, and education) has a positive moderating effect on the impact of RLC on poverty alleviation, and education exerts the most obvious moderating effect. We suggest that the Chinese government should not only continue to increase investment in and provide supporting policy for RLC, but also develop targeted RLC strategies. Education, labour capability, sustainable poverty reduction, sustainable land use, and sustainable rural development require sustained attention. It also could help to improve policy and decision-making for effective poverty reduction, sustainable rural development, and rural revitalisation.



The impact of rural land consolidation on household poverty alleviation: The moderating effects of human capital endowment


Cheng Xin;Chen Jia;Jiang Shiwei;Dai Yan;Shuai Chuanmin;Li Wenjing;Liu Yue;Wang Chaofan;Zhou Min;Zou Lianghui;Zhang Pan;Kang Xiwen

Key Words /关键词:

MT  农村土地整理;扶贫;差异法;调节效应;农村可持续发展

原文 Rural land consolidation;Poverty alleviation;Difference-in-differences method;Moderating effect;Sustainable rural development

Indexed by /核心评价:

SSCI; Scopus; WAJCI;


• We examined the impact of rural land consolidation (RLC) on multi-dimensional poverty based on the DID method.;

• A national level survey encompassing 974 households in 5 provinces in rural China was carried out.;

• RLC had a positive and significant impact on poverty alleviation in China.;

• Human capital had a positive moderating effect on the impact of RLC on poverty alleviation.

