程欣,陈嘉(学) Pursuing sustainable development goals: A review of renewable energy and poverty alleviation nexus

发布人:陈永佳 发布时间:2022-10-14 点击次数:

我校新葡萄8883官网amg程欣老师在T2级别期刊——《Environmental Development》上发表题为“Pursuing sustainable development goals: A review of renewable energy and poverty alleviation nexus”。论文第一作者程欣为新葡萄8883官网amg副教授。

Abstract / 摘要

MT 可靠、负担得起的能源供应是实现旨在缓解贫困的可持续发展目标( SDGs )的关键。然而,鲜有研究从文本挖掘的角度探讨可再生能源与扶贫( RE-PA )实践和RE-PA关联。本文旨在发现RE-PA关系的研究关注点,提出可再生能源、扶贫和SDGs综合的概念框架。采用主题建模方法和潜在狄利克雷分配模型,从Web of Science中获取5333条记录,并采用12主题模型揭示当前RE - PA关系研究的潜在知识结构。研究结果表明,RE-PA关联研究的首要关注点是能源可持续发展、国家资源政策、经济-环境-社会可持续性。农村家庭的能源获取、生态系统服务和可再生能源性能是未来三个重要的研究方向。最主要的研究关注点和未来的研究方向将有助于进一步探讨RE-PA的关系。这项研究还可为可再生能源发展和减贫的综合政策建议提供基础,同时推行能源和贫穷方面的发展目标。

原文 Reliable and affordable energy supply is the key to achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) aimed at alleviating poverty. However, few studies explore renewable energy and poverty alleviation (RE-PA) practices and RE-PA nexus from a text mining perspective. This paper aims to find the research concerns of the RE-PA nexus and propose a conceptual framework for the synthesis of renewable energy, poverty alleviation, and SDGs. Topic modelling method and Latent Dirichlet Allocation model were adopted, and 5333 records were obtained from Web of Science and the 12-topic model was used to reveal the latent intellectual structure of the current research on RE-PA nexus. The results suggest that the top research concerns of the RE-PA nexus are sustainable energy development, country resource policy, and economic-environmental-social sustainability. Energy access of rural households, ecosystem services, and renewable energy performance are three essential future research directions. The top research concerns and future research directions would help to further explore the RE-PA nexus. This study could also provide a basis for integrated policy recommendations for renewable energy development and poverty alleviation while pursuing SDGs on energy and poverty.



Pursuing sustainable development goals: A review of renewable energy and poverty alleviation nexus


Cheng Xin; Chen Jia; Jiang Shiwei; Dai Yan; Zeng Jianping; Shuai Chuanmin; Liu Jiali; Li Wenjing; Liu Yue; Kang Xiwen; Wang Chaofan; Zhou Min; Zhang Pan; Song Yuhao; Zou Lianghui; Zhou Huimin; Wang Chenfeng; Chu Qiyue; Liu Guangjie

Key Words / 关键词

Renewable energy; Poverty alleviation; Sustainable development goals; Policy implications; Solar photovoltaic

Indexed by / 核心评价

SCI; WAJCI; Scopus;


• The text mining-based model is proposed to explore renewable energy (RE) and poverty alleviation (PA) nexus.;

• Major research concerns of the RE-PA nexus are estimated.;

• The conceptual framework for synthesis of renewable energy, poverty alleviation, and SDGs is proposed.;

• Energy access of rural households, ecosystem services, and renewable energy performance are essential future research directions.;

• The integrated policy implications and future research for renewable energy development and poverty alleviation are explored.

DOI: 10.1016/J.ENVDEV.2021.100679
