石咏 A memetic algorithm for a relocation-routing problem in green production of gas considering uncertainties

发布人:陈永佳 发布时间:2023-09-12 点击次数:

石咏 A memetic algorithm for a relocation-routing problem in green production of gas considering uncertainties.

我校新葡萄8883官网amg石咏老师在T2级别期刊——《Swarm and Evolutionary Computation》上发表题为“A memetic algorithm for a relocation-routing problem in green production of gas considering uncertainties”。论文第一作者石咏为新葡萄8883官网amg特任教授。

Abstract / 摘要

This study introduces a relocation-routing problem with a fuzzy amount of sewage and stochastic travel time in natural gas production. In this study, a set of sewage treatment plants (STPs) and a certain number of gas-gathering stations (GGSs) are distributed on the field. With the increasing amount of production, however, the current STPs cannot satisfy the production level. Policymakers propose several location candidates to build new STPs and aim to minimize the total cost of running the newly built STPs and the original STPs. The practical attributes of the sewage return logistics, capacity of vehicles and STPs, uncertain amount of sewage, stochastic travel times, and other constraints are taken into account. The new problem proposed in this study is defined as Relocation-Routing Problem with Fuzzy Sewage and Stochastic Travel Time (RLRPFSSTT), which has never been investigated before. To minimize the total cost, including the construction cost of newly opened STPs and transportation cost between STPs and GGSs, this paper designs a memetic algorithm to optimize location and routing problems simultaneously. Benchmark-based experimental data is designed, and the computational results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed memetic algorithm. Sensitivity analysis and comparisons are also carried out to validate the advantage of considering uncertainties. The proposed model and algorithm are meant to further supplement and extend the location and routing models, as well as have great significance for the decision-makers of industrial logistics in oil fields and coal mines.



A memetic algorithm for a relocation-routing problem in green production of gas considering uncertainties


Shi Yong;Zhou Yanjie;Boudouh Toufik;Grunder Olivier

Key Words / 关键词 :

Memetic algorithm;Vehicle routing problem;Relocation-routing problem fuzzy variable;Stochastic optimization

DOI: 10.1016/J.SWEVO.2022.101129
