胡星(学);於世为Which types of policies better promote the development of renewable energy? Evidence from China's provincial data

发布人:陈永佳 发布时间:2023-09-19 点击次数:

胡星(学);於世为Which types of policies better promote the development of renewable energy? Evidence from China's provincial data.

我校新葡萄8883官网amg於世为老师在T2级别期刊——《Renewable Energy》上发表题为“Which types of policies better promote the development of renewable energy? Evidence from China's provincial data”。论文作者於世为为新葡萄8883官网amg教授,博士生导师

Abstract / 摘要

Developing renewable energy (RE) is necessary for economic growth and sustainable development. Policy support provides a source of motivation for developing RE. Thus, after analyzing the evolution of China's RE policy, we establish a Two-way fixed effects model using the data of 30 Chinese provinces during the period 2011–2018. We explored the differences in the impacts of five different types of RE policies on provincial RE development in China. Furthermore, we explored the influencing mechanism and heterogeneity of between different policies and RE development. Results show that: 1) technology development policies can promote RE development by creating an innovation effect while the effect worsens during 2015–2018. 2) the increase in market management policies can inhibit RE development, especially for the provinces with rich RE resources. and 3) the number of comprehensive planning policies and industrial management policies as well as polices' number of electricity price regulation, finance, and tax support have no significant effects on RE development in the total sample. To further achieve the high-quality development of RE, the Chinese government needs to control the number of policies in the market management but enhance the execution and supervision of planning management for provinces with poor RE resources.



Which types of policies better promote the development of renewable energy? Evidence from China's provincial data


Hu Xing;Guo Yingying;Zheng Yali;Liu Lan-cui;Yu Shiwei

Key Words / 关键词 :

Renewable energy development; Renewable energy policy; Policy effectiveness; Technology innovation

DOI: 10.1016/J.RENENE.2022.08.139
